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4 Signs Problems On Car Brakes


4 Tanda Masalah pada Rem Mobil 150x150 4 Tanda Masalah pada Rem MobilOf all the safety systems on the car, the brakes could be the most penting.Rem component is also relatively easy to maintain. You do not require high technical knowledge to determine whether the brakes are still good or have masalah.Namun fixed, if the damage or problem that happens quite complicated, you should take him to the garage to be handled by a competent mechanic.

Brake components generally have a long durability. Still, over time, brake performance will certainly decrease.

Here are four signs of brake problems:

A. The most obvious indication is the sound of squeaking out every time you step on the brakes. This is caused by inter-component metal brake shoes rub against each other because (canvas) worn brakes.

2. A vibrating steering wheel could be a sign of a problem in the brake rotor. The rotor could have encountered a problem and ignored. Depending on the problem, but replacing the rotor is more common than repair it.

3. Braking distances are increased. This happens when the car is stopped when the pedal is stepped on. This condition is obviously very dangerous. If you can not find the cause, bringing the car to the garage could be a wise choice.

4. Smoky wheel can also be an indicator of a problem on the brakes. Do not wait to find out the exact cause.

Brakes become an important part to protect your safety. Make sure the brakes are always in excellent condition will be worth the benefits.

Modern car braking systems generally have a complex that requires a qualified person to fix it


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