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Car Alarm with Immobilizer difference


Tips Otomotif Kenali Perbedaan Alarm Mobil dengan Immobilizer<br /> 150x150 Tips Otomotif: Kenali Perbedaan Alarm Mobil dengan ImmobilizerCar alarms are not the same as the 'immobilizer', though both are designed to prevent car theft.


Immobilizer not make noises or flashing lights as a way to prevent theft.

Immobilizer circuit operates with a number of cars off so the car can not be operated.

car alarm

Car alarms can be divided into two categories, namely:
1. OEM - Congenital directly from the factory.

2. Aftermarket - Listed as accessories after the car was in the hands of consumers.

Car alarms have a number of different features. Remote alarm has a radio receiver that allows owners to control the alarm remotely.

While the alarm usually have remote keyless cryptographic methods (code) strong authentication.

Since most car alarm is triggered by accident due to set up that is too sensitive, in fact most of the warning alarm is ignored.

Car manufacturers have started to leave the focus on the development of alarm and switch to the immobilizer.

Along with the development of technology, many of which currently are not satisfied with the car alarm and immobilizer equipped only.

Many owners are also adding a car tracking system making it easier for police to trace the existence of a stolen car


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