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Hybrid Car Pros And Disadvantages


Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Mobil Hibrida 150x150 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Mobil HibridaHybrid cars are considered as the depan.Mobil cars more fuel-efficient hybrid that also produce lower pollution.

Because of these advantages, hybrid cars are increasingly popular. Many people are considering replacing conventional cars with hybrid cars to cut fuel costs.

Hybrid cars have two engines, a conventional combustion engine and electric motor powered by batteries.

With this technology, the fuel can be saved by half. With 1 liter of gasoline, hybrid cars can travel a distance of up to 25 km.

Many hybrid car owners can save money because of the economical fuel consumption.

In some states, hybrid car owners can actually get a tax break. In America, owners of hybrid cars get a lot of amenities like free parking, and a special lane on the highway.

Braking systems in hybrid cars are configured to capture the energy released and uses it to charge the battery.

Unlike electric cars, hybrid cars do not need to be recharged with electricity from your home.

However, beyond all these benefits, hybrid cars also have drawbacks. Major drawback is the price is still expensive.

But the good news, with developments in technology, predicted prices will be more affordable hybrid car from time to time. After all, higher prices can also be enclosed with the frugal fuel consumption.

Hybrid cars are relatively heavy due to the battery installed in it. That's because, hybrid car manufacturers try to make a conventional combustion engines are smaller and made of lightweight material.

Another issue related to the risk in the event of an accident. Hybrid car batteries store electrical energy. This means there is the possibility of electric shock the driver when the accident occurred.

Hybrid car manufacturers continue to strive to get rid of these weaknesses. In the future, hybrid cars would be safer at a price that is also more affordable


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