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New discoveries! Advanced electrolyte to maintain cell temperature Li-Ion Remain Low


Penemuan Baru Elektrolit Canggih untuk Menjaga Suhu Sel Li ion Tetap Rendah 150x150 Penemuan Baru! Elektrolit Canggih untuk Menjaga Suhu Sel Li ion Tetap RendahThe team of researchers from the University of Science and Technology Huazhong, China, has managed to find advanced materials to keep the electrolyte lithium-ion temperature remains low, which is called LiFNFSI. They did some tests on the material as a substitute for conventional electrolyte LiPF6.

One of the researchers, Hongbo Han, said that the key of the invention is to maintain thermal stability of the battery using LiFNFSI.

Electrolyte containing 1.0 M LiFNFSI in a mixture of ethyl carbonate and ethyl carbonate mthyl.

This electrolyte has a conductivity higher than LiClO4, has a good electrochemical stability, and does not cause corrosion to alumuniun.

Tues grafit/LiCoO2 with LiFNFSI shows a duty cycle better than LiPF6 at room temperature 250C. If the temperature is raised up to 600C, its performance will be optimized.

Decrease in the ability of the electrolytic cell that uses the basic ingredients LiFNFSI without additives, only 37 percent after working about 100 cycles.

Whereas cells with LiPF6 used lithium-ion batteries, the decreased ability to rapidly at these temperatures.

LiFNFSI electrolyte material test results demonstrate the ability to improve the performance of a battery that works at high temperatures. In the automobile, the ability to prevent the occurrence of heat will be very beneficial.

At the end of the car manufacturers no longer need to use liquid cooling techniques to prevent the high temperature of the battery. This applies particularly in hybrid electric cars and plug-ins.


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