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Remote Keyless Entry: Locks Door Without Car Stolen Still Vulnerable


Remote Keyless Entry Mobil Tanpa Kunci Pintu Tetap Rawan Dicuri 150x150 Remote Keyless Entry: Mobil Tanpa Kunci Pintu Tetap Rawan DicuriRemote keyless entry (keyless car door) actually have been found since the late 1980-an.Sekarang, this system has become a standard in almost all new cars.

But the system is not without consequences. Researchers from Switzerland said that the system can still be compromised.

Remote keyless-entry using a unique radio waves from one manufacturer to another, and the signals are usually encrypted.

When you are in a radius of 5 meters from the car, you can send a signal to open the doors and trunk of the car, or activate the alarm.

Researchers at ETH Zurich, Switzerland found that the encrypted signals can be captured and decoded. .

They put the two antennas, one directed to the car and another directed to contact the key held by the owner.

When the antenna is directed at the owner brought the key, the key to begin delivering low-power signal to the antenna, which is then forwarded to another antenna placed near the car.

In this way the researchers were able to open locked car doors. They managed to do the same thing in 8 different car brands.

It is not necessarily the car can be stolen just like that, given the modern car starter system is more complicated. But thieves can still steal other items contained within the car.


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