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Tips For Easy Cleaning Car injector


Tips Mudah Membersihkan Injektor Mobil 150x150 Tips Mudah Membersihkan Injektor Mobil
 Does your car engine is turned on it is often difficult or wasteful fuel consumption more than usual, and the voice becomes harsh? If so, you must be careful, because all the symptoms were a sign of auto injector device having problems.
Injector is an important tool that serves to spraying fuel into the engine combustion chamber.
Problems may occur because the device is not able to send pulses to the sensor Electronic Control Unit (ECU) in accordance with proper dosing.
In fact, one of ECU function is to regulate the pressure and the frequency of bursts of fuel into the engine combustion chamber based on the received pulse sensor.
To obtain maximum results, spray the fuel and air in the combustion chamber to be precise. If not correct, then the injector having problems.
So what are the problems that often occur in the injector? How do I fix it?
Follow these tips:
A. Bursts of Weak Fuel
Injector needle is clogged dirt will cause no strong bursts of fuel from the injector into the combustion chamber.
Small particles that clog the needle can be derived from the less clean fuels.
Impurities can also be derived from the fuel tank in the car suffered corrosion.
The particle size was small, about 10-30 microns so that the fuel filter is sometimes not able to filter it.
Although its size is very small, but quite disturbing performance of the injector, especially if the dirt is growing from time to time.
2. The injector leak
Leakage occurs when the injector needle can not close tightly after spraying fuel.
As a result, still dripping fuel in the combustion chamber. So that the spark plug becomes wet and inaccurate calculation of Lambda, which ultimately makes it difficult ignited engines.
One thing to note, spray fuel into the engine combustion chamber by the injector is tangible fog.
3. Way Mangatasi Problem
There are two ways you can do to solve this problem, namely:
a. Round Accelerate Machine
You can do it yourself because it is very simple. The trick is as follows:
- Turn on the ignition. After that, stepped on the gas pedal in up to a maximum point.- Make up to four to five times, and each time step on the gas pedal should be held approximately 1-2 minutes.
At high engine speed (about 5,000 rpm), then a strong blast of gasoline as well. At that moment, impurities in the combustion chamber and the valve will be pushed out.
But, if this does not work, you can try the following manner, namely by using a cleaning fluid.
b. Use liquid cleaners
There are two ways to do the injector cleaning. You can simply clean it in the car, or you remove the injector and the use of ultrasound.
Method 1:Fill the tank with a cleaner (injector cleaner) to remove water, sulfur, or fungi that may be in the injector. This cleaning fluid you can buy at auto parts stores.
Method 2:Remove the injector, then tested with a special ultrasonic tool. The tool serves to determine the fuel flow, fuel spray pattern, and presence or absence of leakage at the injector needle.Once you know the test results, then do the cleaning process.


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